Public Relations Strategy of PDAM Tirtawening in Responding to Consumer Complaints through Social Media (Twitter)
Strategi Public Relations PDAM Tirtawening Dalam Menanggapi Pengaduan Konsumen Melalui Media Sosial (Twitter)
The purpose of this study is to find out how PDAM Tirtawening's public relations strategy in responding to consumer complaints during the Covid-19 pandemic. After the Covid-19 pandemic, there were many changes ranging from social changes, community behavior actions, to changes in public services, especially in Pdam Tirtawening Bandung. This study uses descriptive studies with a skin-skinned approach. Data collection techniques in this study are observations, in-depth interviews with informants that have been determined by researchers consisting of 3 informants. Based on system theory by defining problems, planning and programming, communicating, evaluating this study found the fact that PDAM Tirtawening's Public Relations strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic is still receiving complaints, although the complaint is only submitted through social media twitter therefore PDAM Tirtawening strives as quickly as possible to respond to complaints and problems.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Anisa Nurul Hasanah, Elsa Yuniarti, Dasrun Hidayat

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