MEDIA MASSA DALAM BINGKAI KEKUASAAN (Analisis Wacana Berita Munas Golkar di Metrotv dan tvOne)
MASS MEDIA IN THE FRAMEWORK OF POWER (Analysis of the Golkar National Conference News Discourse on Metrotv and tvOne)
There are two issues that are examined in this study (1) Do MetroTv and tvOne use a balanced or unbias perspective in telling reports on the 8th Golkar Assembly to the chairman of the Golkar candidates (2) Is there any discourse of domination in the news about the 8th Golkar Assembly. To tell these issues in depth, this study uses discourse analysis of Teun A Van Dijk models which are useful to know and understand whether MetroTV and TVOne use impartial perspective in telling the 8th Golkar Assembly for the candidates and that there is Golkar chairman domination in news discourse of the 8th Golkar Assembly. This study found that tvOne news was dominated by a candidate of Golkar chairman, Bakrie, while the other candidates are not given an equal share in announcing the nomination of Golkar chairman. In the mean time, MetroTV announcing the nomination of Golkar chairman candidates to the election of Golkar chairman for 2009-2014 period, and MetroTV also explained clearly to the community only, the other candidates are not given an equal share in announcing the chairman of Golkar. Nomination black list was there in the news of MetroTV which was done to marginalize other groups.
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